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Kuttan Kattachira, Pattikajathi Kshema samithi. A Charitable Organisation Certified U/S.80 G of Income Tax Act

The Reservational status of MLAs.

The Reservational status  of MLAs.
This Pattikajathi Kshema Samithi saying that the Upper class and upper castes are the Leaders and majoreity of each National and State Political Parties in India. The party symbel servitude upon the Scheduled Castes based candidature and they applying 'party wip' upon the caste system.The Political Party supporting the promotion of enimity between different groups of Scheduled Castes in each constituancy. they doing actsprejudicial to maintanance of harmony among SCs.Though 60 yeares lapsed no action has been takin by the Chief Election Commission of India in the freedom of caste based Candidature of SCs in Assembly Elections yet. .. Therefor the commission shall order that the forth coming Ministery the Chief Minister shall be a Scheduled Caste MLA, and that should be selected by the Hon: Governer , not allow and permit that by the Upper caste Political Party in any manner that they usually do ... And then the S/C. MLAs are legaly entitle to having their reservational ratio in each Departments in state Government of forth coming. The Governer shall make arrangements for the S/C. MLAs a Seperate block in Kerala Ministry of 2011. And Make sure the freedom of obtaining the percentage of reservation in the power of rule as Ministers in the forth coming Ministery 2011.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What reservation obtaining the Scheduled Caste MLAs in Kerala Legislative Assembly??

This Pattikajathi Kshema Samithi saying that the Upper class and upper castes are the Leaders and majority of each  National and State Political Parties in India. The party symbol servitude upon the Scheduled Castes based candidature  and they applying 'party weep' upon the caste system.The Political Party supporting the promotion of enmity between different groups of Scheduled Castes in each constituency. they doing acts-prejudicial to maintenance of harmony among SCs.Though 60 years lapsed no action has been taken by the Chief Election Commission of India in  the freedom of caste based Candidature of SCs in Assembly Elections yet. .. Therefor the commission shall order that the forth coming Minister y the Chief Minister shall be a Scheduled Caste MLA, and that should be selected by the Hon: Governor , not allow and permit  that by the Upper caste Political Party in any  manner that they usually do ...  And then the S/C. MLAs are legally entitle to having their reservation ratio in each Departments in state Government  of forth coming. The Governor shall make arrangements  for the S/C. MLAs a Separate block in Kerala Ministry of  2011. And Make sure the freedom of obtaining the percentage of reservation in the power of rule as Ministers in the forth coming Minister y 2011.